
Like any other writer I haven’t lived in a bubble, and the influence and encouragement I have received from countless people over the years I cannot let go unnoticed:

  • My parentsWho taught about faith by example and whose unwavering dedication to truth and righteous living led me to develop my own faith in God and His Holy Scriptures.
  • My siblingsFor your friendship, support, and respect. The desire to be a good example for you has ever kept me on the strait and narrow.
  • All the anti-MormonsYour opposition to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints lit a spark in my soul for searching the scriptures for a deeper understanding of what God is really trying to tell us. Thank you.
  • High school friends not of my faithYour friendship and your feelings toward my own faith taught me that true Christianity has nothing to do with your religious affiliation, but means to follow Christ with all your heart, might, mind and strength regardless of what men will say, do, or judge of you.
  • WayneMy first mission president who taught me that there are plausible answers to all contradictions to our faith if we will make the sacrifice to seek them out and remain true to our faith in the process of searching, and that opposition is simply a gateway for gaining knowledge and experience that is meant “for our good.”
  • Lynne My second mission president who taught me that God’s ideas and plans for our lives are far greater than our own ever have been and that sacrificing our own success to serve God yields greater rewards than chasing our own ambitions or gratifying our own pride.
  • AdamThe kid at work who said, after months of heckling me about my faith, “If you wrote a book some day, I’d buy it. You’ve got a lot of important things to say.” Thanks for inspiring me to share my thoughts with the world.
  • Mat, Jarom, Katie, Zach, Rachel and anyone else who spent more time than they ever should have listening to me read my writingsThank you for the encouragement and loving me enough to listen and for being the inspiration to help me recognize the talent God has given me and filling me with a desire to share my gift with a larger audience.
  • The Savior Jesus ChristFor your infinite atonement and the grace by which you support me and help me rise to the measure of the man you know I can be.
  • To my loving Father in HeavenWho has given me the talent, intelligence, and eloquence to bless lives through word and deed. May this blog be a tool in Thy hands for restoring many to more perfect faith in Thee.

Thank you to all of you for the great impact on my life you have had and the great motivation you have provided for searching diligently, living faithfully and ultimately for the impetus behind creating this blog. May the Lord bless you all.

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